Copy and paste a screen not working

Before the new update to the appearance of MIT you could copy and paste one screen to another. Is does not work any more. Any ideas on how you can now copy and paste a screen within a project?

I see Designer screen copy working for me at

Do you need the blocks too?

Try a mass blocks png download using the AI2Helper browser extension at

then drag them into the Blocks Editor workspace of the target screen.

the question is, why are you copying screens? this is considered bad programming practice...

DRY - Don't repeat yourself...

you should separate data and logic and with for example only one screen together with the logic you can handle as much data as you want... no need to copy screens...

see also tip 1 here


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The same thing happened to me. On windows, instead of using CTRL + C, you have to use CTRL + INSERT, and instead of CTRL + V, you use SHIFT + INSERT.


wow. Thanks for your information. This helps me a lot.
but i still want Ctrl c and Ctrl V come back.

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Also works for Chrome on Linux (Xubuntu 24.04)

See Copy Paste ( CTRL + C and CTRL + V) in Designer not working anymore - #3 by ewpatton
for fix testing