ChartMaker extension

You will need to do a find and replace on it then...:slight_smile:

maybe I didn't explain it very well, but the Arduino Serial.println is doing a ''return to line '', that do not appears on the app inventor side : the data looks like that really in a list
(1,25,0 )

Just run some text manipulation blocks on the data until you get it into the correct format/layout. It could be that the "\n" are there but just not showing. You will need to lose the parantheses though.

Alternatively, convert to an AI2 list ?

yet I currently manage to get something almost working by doing this:

But the global List_T is not cleared aech time I got new data, and on the arduino side I need to wait 1second between each line data sending
for example:
... wait 1000ms
.. wait 1000ms

this just to give time to app inventor to separate each item of the list and avoid them to override each other.... maybe there is a faster solution for app inventor to get array?

Just run some text manipulation blocks on the data until you get it into the correct format/layout. It could be that the "\n" are there but just not showing. You will need to lose the parantheses though.

Alternatively, convert to an AI2 list ?

I believe the format is correct as the data are displayed, the parantheses appear only in the listView but apparently are not present (??!!)
AI2 list? dodn t know yet, but will have a look at it.

The BLE StringsReceived event is much simpler ...

when BLE StringsReceived
   for each **item** in stringValues
      init local **reading** to split **item** at ';'
         add **reading** to list global **list_T**
      end init local
   end for each
end when BLE StringsReceived

(I assume global list_T is a table, a list of readings, and each reading is the list gotten from a split at ';')

I could code this for you if you

Please download and post each of those event block(s)/procedures here ...
(sample video)


Here is the BLE block, (the timer block is just a display, and it is working for now). Note that the global list_T should be cleared each time I got a new batch of values (I didn' t do it in this screenshot - it may complicate the thing as I tried with "set global List_T -> make empty list" after the "is a list? get string values" but without succes yet). by advance thx for your help.

These are the (draggable) blocks for the code I posted in ChartMaker extension

Again, I assume Chartmaker needs global list_T to be a table (list of lists) as input.

Hi, I will have a try and let your know ... I already tried something closeby and it was not working (but was working on another project where I just got a line with 3 values separated by ";")

I just had a try,
it is not working because you endup with a list which look like this (according to ListView)
instead of looking like :
a1 b1 c1
a2 b2 c2

To be honest I do not understand really why I need to do twice the "make a list" but TIMAI2 (or you) may have an explanation :wink:

This should help you to understand:

Chartmaker "values" is expecting a list of lists

many thx! :+1:

Hi all,

An additional question on the chartmaker extension:
let's consider we have a list of list with severals columns (more than 2), and plenty rows, as we managed to get in the previous discussion:
is there a possibility to just choose to display only 1 column? (instead of having all of them displayed?). In other word may I choose to display in chartmaker a specific dataset only?

In the applied example below I display automatically both "temperature" and "humidity", but I don t want to display humidity anymore. How I can handle that in the "values" ?


I m looking to remove a full entire column in on of my list so I can plot it using chartmaker extension (it s a work around since I m not sure we can select the data we want to display -> it s on discussion in another topic).
My current list is looking like this (when I see it on list view):

and I would like to get:

So first I did copy the list and try to remove the column 3 by implementing a loop with a while

and I got this error: (the first row with -0.08 is normal :wink: )

Any suggestion?
thx by advance

.. I did also a try with this, but no more success ... :disappointed:!


I think it was not a good idea to merge the two threads, this one and [Remove column in a list of list]

Thx! :+1: it s working nicely :smiley:

hello, I have a similar problem here, but it might be more simple.

I tried to make a line chart from existed data in google sheets.
I use the chartmaker extension. But it didn't work. The line chart didn't appear.

would you mind to help? thank you

This answered here: