Hello. I tried to make a line chart from existed data in google sheets.
I use the chartmaker extension. But it didn't work. The line chart didn't appear.
Then I realize that the imported data type is in string ["1","10"] not in number [1, 20]. So, how can I do it correctly, so the app can show line chart from list of number in google sheets.
Aditya Royandi
Just remove all the "
Put this block in the values socket.
Let us know if it worked.
get this problem now
this is what I get when I tried print the result of your suggestion
I made a stupid mistake
Updated blocks:
Note this will not solve your 2nd problem...You have to split the text into a list (or list of list?)
see if this works (super ugly solution)
I couldn't test it as I can't find the extension..
(PS: draggable blocks )
March 29, 2021, 11:58am
For your data in listall you only need one label ( I have changed it to A to avoid confusion)
Oh so strings work just as well
I mean that you made of list of "text" and that worked, contrary to what @Aditya_Royandi thougjt the problem was
March 29, 2021, 1:17pm
Makes no difference, the chart is displayed if numbers are used instead of text numbers:
March 29, 2021, 1:25pm
I would recommend using this very easy extension to make a line chart
This is exactly the extension that is being used above Richael....
Thank you so much. It works
April 6, 2021, 2:48am
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