Bluetooth Mit App Inventor

Hello, I'm trying to create an application to connect a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B with an MIT App Inventor application. However, when I launch it on my phone, Bluetooth refuses to connect to the device. On the other hand, it works with BlueDot by running the command 'sudo rfcomm watch hci0' in parallel on the Raspberry Pi. Does anyone have any ideas or solutions?

Bonjour, j'essaie de créer une application pour connecter un Raspberry Pi 4 Model B avec une application MIT App Inventor. Cependant, lorsque je le lance sur mon téléphone, le Bluetooth refuse de se connecter à l'appareil, alors qu'avec BlueDot, cela fonctionne en exécutant la commande 'sudo rfcomm watch hci0' en parallèle sur le Raspberry Pi. Auriez-vous une idée ou une solution à ce problème ?

Code :

So try with BLE extension.

It doesn't work; during the installation, I even encounter errors, and regarding how to create the program with MIT, I can't find the two UUIDs

Try this (and post screenshots):

I have never been able to find my device (raspberry pi ) with this application.

Try this one (BLE current ver 2023728 and Screen1 is scrollable)

It never worked, but I found a very shaky alternative solution. I will get back to you if I have any further questions.

Post a screenshot of my last APK after "Start Scanning" (and after "Connect").

Hi Anke,

I am using your .apk to connect the micro: bit; it completely works, but when I use my app, the app will crash or get the error message "connection status was set to OS code 133" after connecting to the micro: bit.

Would you like to share your code with us for the reference?

Hi Anke,

Can you please share your code blocks for this app? Of all the ones posted this is the first one to work on my device. Can you please share this code so I can see what I am doing wrong on my apps?
