BLE for iOS Support Sample?


I know MIT is still working on iOS for BluetoothLE support, but I noticed that they have slightly updated it in their website

Even though there is no Disconnect option, does anyone have any ideas for a sample code I could write to try and connect to my Arduino HM-10?

The Android one isn’t connecting and I’m having trouble with it, Here’s the link, so I’m trying to see if it will run on iOS in the meantime

I know the team is busy, but is there any approximation on the release date for BLE on iOS?

Those methods were only implemented to their bare minimum for some demo apps were we doing for the LEGO EV3 platform. They won't be enough to implement a full fledged Bluetooth app for iOS. We do have the BLE implementation for iOS in progress. My aim is to have that done by the end of the summer.

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Ohhhh ok so I'm guessing it's not enough to make anything right now, but the functionality will come later as you guys develop it.

Thanks so much!

Possibly related progress...

July 20th: MIT App Inventor for iOS Version 2.64.3 in TestFlight
July 28th: BluetoothLE Code updates

Keeping my :crossed_fingers:! Thank you Evan & company!

is there an update on using BLE on iOS ?

I have a working demo app using the BLE to talk to Micro:bit on iOS, but the functionality only works with strings at the moment. I need to finish implementing the remaining data types and then we will get it up on TestFlight. In the short term it does require using a separate server though because the current production version of App Inventor assumes that iOS won't run any extensions (which it still doesn't, we just bake the extension logic into the companion app).


Ewan, please can you send an invitation to the TestFlight download link. I am a Beta tester for other apps.
I’m ready to forge ahead now my BLE hardware is functional.
Every blessing

Thanks Simon BUT this test server for iOS still says no extensions supported eg BluetoothLE
Ewan recently said that Bluetooth would be hard coded in to MIT app,

Off course. In iOS are forbiden ALL extensions. You must only use AI2 Blocks.

I think i'm awaiting on Ewan to do this "bake":
"I have a working demo app using the BLE to talk to Micro:bit on iOS, but the functionality only works with strings at the moment. I need to finish implementing the remaining data types and then we will get it up on TestFlight. In the short term it does require using a separate server though because the current production version of App Inventor assumes that iOS won't run any extensions (which it still doesn't, we just bake the extension logic into the companion app)."

This will be in the future. This is not available to everyone. Evan is still working on it. It certainly won't be implemented today, tomorrow or next week... it definitely takes a lot of time and everyone will learn about the new functionality when it happens.