If you are not setting a string to a firebase tag using the firebase component, but calling the value back with the firebase component, then this will happen. You will need to add double quotes to your string before you send it.
Alternatively use the web component to return the value from a tag (although this does not provide for dataChanged events)
To get out of the application, once its final process is completed, it is not necessary to use the [Close Application] Block (from the control drawer)... Just invoke the extension and call by [Close Screen]
Thanks, I've sorted out the screens. Now I have another problem. There is a text.csv on the flash drive. It is necessary to enter data from it into FIREBASE, I designate the data as //text.csv, but the program does not see them.
You have to access the file either with the filePicker or with the SAF Open Document block, then return the contenturi to the SAF ReadFromFile block. You cannot use normal filepaths.