Still the same issue-- "We found that your app is not compliant with how REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES permission is allowed to be used. Specifically, the use of the permission is not directly related to the core purpose of the app."
when I reuploaded the app, the playstore rejected again. I currently use extensions like TaifunClipboard, GetASD,TinyDB as part of my app. would any of those extension request for additional REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES permission? When I download aab file,apk file, Im unable to view the contents of android manifest file as well, to confirm this. My question specifically "how to confirm if my app has REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES permission ? How to remove it?
How to know which extension is requesting for that permisssion ? I tried to delete few extensions and gemerate apk , extracted them to folder and opened manifest file , bit the permission still exists..
Downloaded aia fle, extracted the contents using winzip extractor, searched all the files for "permission", got to know that GetASD extension is actually using the permission. I imported GetASD very long back, got to know from the release page of GetASD that all permissions are removed in latest version.
Now I reimported the extension, downloaded the aia file, and there is no more the permission request.. Many thanks for the updated extension and swift responses