Estoy creando una aplicación de asistencia en app inventor y he seguido varios tutoriales y aun no funciona, lo único que necesito es que los datos que ingreso en la app queden registrados en la base de datos que hice en Google sheets, lo he hecho con Google forms y sencillamente no importa lo que haga no encuentro la manera de que los datos aparezcan en Google sheets, ayuda es urgente
Have you tried to use the spreadsheet component?
Already tried it, is not working
(Canned Reply: ABG- Export & Upload .aia)
Export your .aia file and upload it here.
Not working, i don´t understand, everything works so well, the scan, the text, the things on the database, the hour, the ubication, and when i try another tutorial i just ruin what i did, but thanks you for trying to help me
You are allowed to start new Projects.
I know but this is the one that my boss like it
You can use Project->Save As to make new versions of a Project.
That way you have something to fall back to if the new Project crumbles in your hands.