thank you so much for your valuable answer . Now I can open the application but it shows list A is empty . i have provided the json url
{"channel":{"id":2453926,"name":"drowning alert","latitude":"0.0","longitude":"0.0","field1":"Field Label 1","created_at":"2024-03-02T15:08:02Z","updated_at":"2024-03-02T15:08:02Z","last_entry_id":null},"feeds":}
This makes the pair to which @Ramon has already said: the "feed" is empty.
Until you don't populate that field of the json, you couldn't unpack it correctly.
I apologise, but since I'm not familiar with ThingSpeak I have to leave some other user (maybe @Ramon ?), more clever than me, to help you.
Best wishes.
I think you are able to do it with the example I showed you....anyway, your problem is that you're trying to get filed1 inside the feeds field.... are you sure you have populated correctly the data?
I want to send a alert message to my app from esp 32 and I need to use this thinkspeak url in my esp 32 code to make an hhtp request and need to send data from the esp 32 to thinkspeak channel . I am sending a message drowning or detected with the longitude and lattitude (location details ) to the app in real time data from the esp 32 and the sensors so can you please edit the .aia file accordingly . please edit the .aia file .
First get your background functionality running in the foreground. Like this, you can find errors much easier. And as soon as you got it working in the foreground, then test it in the background.
Do not use global variables while in the background, use local variables instead
Do not use any user-visible or UI components in the background
In the background, use the Itoo StoreProperty/FetchProperty methods rather than TinyDB. TinyDB relies on SharedPreferences which will not ensure data synchronization across background processes.
Which full block? I gave you only some examples to show you how to get the values from the data you are receiving....with that examples you can get the values you want from input data and implement the logic you want with them.
Yes I added 4 items in the feeds . {"created_at":"2024-03-08T07:31:15Z","entry_id":4,"field1":"1.2"} this is the last feed item added . can you help with this details and the the notification comes only when the app is opened I want to get notification even if the app is closed
how can I introduce a map for tracking the the location of the alert message with latitude and longitude as feed data in the app with the alert notification
thank you for your response . how can I use the latitudes and longitudes from the feeds to get the live location gps location . Please help with how can i implement the blocks for this purpose .