Advanced calculator is a calculator which can evals sums directly from the given input.
I had started making this extension 2 days before & now it's completed
98% of the times success rate
Can include variables in the sum
Supports BODMAS
Supports sum checker, like 1*2 == 2*1
Can help you in the exam
Blocks & Usage
Finds the sum of the given input.
sum : input/string
returns : calculated value of the sum
Raised when error occured or failed to calculate.
message : errorMessage/reason
sum : the sum which cannot be solved by the extension
It can be done, but this extension provides you extra features like sum checker, you can also calculate square root, sin, cos & tan & also you can use the error occurred block to see where the error as occurred where as in JS you cannot eval sums like sqrt(2), it gives you error.