AdvancedCalculator : An extended form of calculator

Thanks I will try it.

note: this can already be done in App Inventor without any extensions :wink:

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How? I want to know it. @TIMAI2

Lists, text manipulation, logic


I don't think it's easy to do it because natural language can contain numbers is money like dollors etc, also how do we convert words into number? We cant just use numbers from 1 - billion, because what if the value is high like centillion which has 303 zeros? It might be difficult but we can try... :hugs: :hugs:

Awesome exension :grin:

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AdvancedCalculator : An extended form of calculator

thank you for your contribution...
btw. there already is a very powerful free math extension available, which is able to calculate "everything", see here App Inventor Extensions: Math Parser | Pura Vida Apps and it uses only one method...


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.


I have completed 35% of the work :hugs: And I will soon make a extension :grinning:

I don’t mean to sound rude, but shouldn’t a calculator be right 100% of the time? If it’s not then surely it’s broken.


I believe the success rate referred to is the conversion of natural language to a calculation, not the calculation itself


@TIMAI2 I think @deanart2012 is talking about this

and not this


Yes, exactly.....


I cannot give it 100% because it should calculate almost everything but maybe it has bugs, in the extension I have used no library, some 30% of the code is from stackoverlow and 70% is mine, say me which you cannot calculate..I will add it.

Yes, it's true.

Still there is a lot more to code, I will try to do it :fire: :triumph: all the basic things are covered, improvement is needed.

I was referring to the probability of the calculator returning a correct answer.

I was referring to the probability of bugs occurring which may give

In +

I have completed the extension :

Wow! @Kumaraswamy! Great extension! I have tried to make a script that calculates answer based on my own logic to make a working calculator but it consumed more than like 300 Blocks! And now with your extension, it can be done with only and only 1 Block!

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This will really come in handy in my next exam!!!! :rofl: Great extension!


Is it support squareroot function

You can use built-in blocks to calculate (the absolute value of) square roots:

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