I could not find how to enable absolute positioning for a control like text box. Is there easy way to find out answers by reading instead of writing questions here. Please provide link where can i read about how positioning is set.
There is an absolute positioning feature in the pipeline, but not yet ready for release.
You could use an extension to do this:
The extension works for AI2 as well.
or you can tell us why absolute positioning is needed?
I did not know how to position a control on screen exactly where i want it. Then i found the Vertical/Horizontal control in Layout and used them by hit and trial.
If i could paste blocks here but have no idea how to copy blocks and paste them.
The idea is using of many nested V/H controls. and adjusting them the way i needed to design the screen.
Otherwise you know drag drop at certain location is ideal drag and drop design interface.
anyway i am still learning, hope to find better approach.
this is the right way. and you can add label for spacing.