About vertical bar charts

My current file has a horizontal graph. I want to make it vertical. How do I do that?

get.aia (16.8 KB)

Your blocks:

I don't support extensions.

Here's lots of other chart samples:

I don't use this extension also, but

  1. it's not a good idea to use integer number as the tag in Firebase, better to use a string as tag.
  2. the ChartMaker.DrawBarGraph will be called 12 times, you need to make all 12 values have been received completed, then call this DrawBarGraph.
  3. You can try to save all data in one tag in the form of a List, then no need to use 12 global variables.
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Can you give me a sample file?
I want to display the month and then the value

there is a build-in Chart component, no need for extensions.
Check the ABG posted FAQ.

you need to format your data in a list like [[1,23],[2,34],...[12,534]]

You may want to try ChartmakerPlus instead ?

note: "vertical bar chart" == "column chart"