YourFont Extension - Opensource

@Ken, for your tests you made use of ttf files. I would like to point out that you can also use otf font files.

OTF and TTF are extensions that are used to indicate that the file is a font, which can be used in formatting the documents for printing. TTF stands for TrueType Font, a relatively older font, while OTF stands for OpenType Font, which was based in part on the TrueType standard.


(added to FAQ)

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Hi guys,
thanks a lot to everybody.
I’ve modified one of the “digital cockpits” by using the 7 segment font :grinning:
It looks really “impressive”.
I’ve attached two images of it: before Ken and after Ken.

Really nice, indeed! (and quite easy to use).
I’ve also tried to use it on Draw_Text for canvases, but it rised a runtime error telling that a casting between two different types of objects is not allowed. I can believe that on canvases the texts are not truly texts but drawings, therefore it is reasonable that it cannot work.
Anyway it is really a "…«… one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind (of AI2 users)»



Impressive indeed! It looks great!


Again many thanks to you, Ken, to MITAI2 (his solution is working fine, as well !) and to Taifun, for his powerful extensions.



Hi nice work , can you add to the extension
Font size? 10,11,12…
Is there an other way to do it?

Font size is already built into the Components:



Thanks a lot you are my hero!!!

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yes,thank you ken :

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How i get de .AIX file in my onw project?

Thanks peter


Thank you for youre response. But i can't open it in an other project.

Did you download the .aix from the .aia?

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O thank you, i didn't know it was possible to download there the AIX file Thanks!


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We love you :+1:

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I am not able to open the .aia file...can someone or @Ken pls PM me the .aix file asap...pleaseeeeeee

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I PMed you


Hi ken, I want your extension written permission to redistribute for MIT app inventor hackathon

Can anyone say me how can I get it??