Why My Compiled App With Trojan / App has virus

virus protection of android thinks that my app is trojan. I do not know why?

Here is probably why:

Use the forum search box and use the directions on this image to read the articles. You probably have a Huawei device that uses an Avast virus checker. Other users of other virus checkers usually do not have this problem.

To nie jest problem tylko użytkowników telefonów Huawei, gdzie fabryczne zaimplementowano aplikację antywirusową Avast. Każdy użytkownik, bez względu na markę telefonu, który posiada zainstalowane oprogramowanie Avast ze sklepu Google Play otrzyma ostrzeżenie. Antywirus pobrano ze sklepu ponad 100 000 000 razy i ma większość ocen dobrych/bardzo dobrych. Również zgłosiłem problem do Avast. Otrzymałem odpowiedź, że moja aplikacja zawiera fragment kodu, który umożliwia dostęp do nagrywania rozmów i wysyłania SMS-ów, chociaż użyłem tylko komponentu PhoneCall do możliwości wykonania połączenia telefonicznego z jednym numerem telefonu:

Diagnoza Avast-Mobile: Trojan
Android:Evo-gen [Trj]

Fragment kodu z supportu Avast:


0 0x701b usesCreateSmsMessage From Lcom/google/appinventor/components/runtime/util/KitkatUtil;getMessagesFromIntent;LL;
0 0x701b usesCreateSmsMessage From Lcom/google/appinventor/components/runtime/util/SmsBroadcastReceiver;getMessage;LL;
0 0x701b usesCreateSmsMessage From Lcom/google/appinventor/components/runtime/util/SmsBroadcastReceiver;getPhoneNumber;LL;
0 0x701b usesCreateSmsMessage From Lcom/google/appinventor/components/runtime/Texting;getMessagesFromIntent;LL;

Ponadto Podczas weryfikacji apki na stronie virustotal.com

Tencent HABO Analysis System
Diagnoza: malware

Dangerous function:
MediaRecorder;->setAudioSource Record audio
ContentResolver;->query Read database like contact or sms
SpeechRecognizer;->startListening Open microphone
SmsManager;->sendMultipartTextMessage Send mms

@Jakub please read the previous answers in this thread

I can confirm there is something wrong with latest App Inventor.
Published 3 app on Google Play and never had a problem. Recently i have updated my latest App (Zzap Suite - uploaded version 1.1 over 1.0) and both Avast and ColorOS v6.0.1 (Oppo OS) detect a virus.
People are uninstalling it of course :frowning:

@Blacktea [quote=“Blacktea, post:63, topic:1607”]
I can confirm there is something wrong with latest App Inventor.

Actually you can’t confirm that. What you confirm is that Avast selectively discriminates against ai2 apps (or perhaps just apps that are new and unknown to their quirky policies).

Please read the articles earlier in this thread. Avast is black listing apps that virtually All other virus software deem OK. Note that GooglePlay white listed your apps… Google thinks its fine.

As the above posts indicate; please complain to Avast and / or recommend users do not use Avast software. Sooner or later Avast may fix their heuristic virus signature data base.

Report to Avast


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Maybe we should bring international legal proceedings regarding discrimination by Avast of all applications created in MIT AI2? :wink:

Currenty, every single application (and updates) made in MIT AI2 need to be reported to Avast individually in order to be added onto whitelist, so that Avast won’t warn of any viruses or danger… An interesting fact is that Avast doesn’t report warnings for previously created applications…

Even better…

I never had antivirus in my phone and I can’t remember the last time I had one in my computer. But I can tell it’s been more than 6 years. Not a single problem. Never.

This is only my opinion and my personal experience, not an actual advice but I realized it all depends on how shady your browsing habits are.


Something strange with AI last 2 days. I have built my app 3-4 days ago, and this app does not contain a virus. Today started tne new project. My new app has a virus… :frowning: I took my previuos app, remove all blocks and components, excepting those, which I need in new project - Web Viewer and notifier, took blocks from backpack - voila! Virus is absent. It seems that something happened with Web Viewer last 2 days.

I am having same issues huawei and xiaomi. They say they have a warning saying the app has a trojan horse. I have 3 apps in google play and its nonsense 2 of them being said that as a virus. One is old two of them newer. Guys people are uninstalling our apps. We loose trust. There must be sth after 180b. Please fix this. We can not report avast for our every app and wait to fix that false alarm. And also wait people to update their phones this is nonsense. There must be a problem after 180b as I read. Please do sth.

There’s nothing we can do about this. Virus scanners don’t reveal their methodology for how they detect apps because that means that people who write real viruses could just work around it. Therefore, we don’t know why Huawei and Xiaomi devices continue to flag App Inventor apps as malware. Presumably, if Google thought App Inventor was malware they would remove the companion from the Play Store, along with every app ever made with App Inventor.

You are definetely right but we cant explain this to users. If avast says its a virus they accept it. Isnt there any possiblity to review the changes after release 180 such as clickable images, error blocks in web viewer. There must be sth we can do.

I compiled same app with kodular with same package name and keystore. Examined in xiaomi devices and with avast mobile in my own meizu. No problem. Thats interesting. Guys this platform learned me much. I love this place. I am making educational apps for children please there must be a way to overcome this situation.


You do not mention your phone make/model or Android version. However, it is most likely the case that a false-positive is being reported. You can upload your APK files on the website of your Anti-Virus provider for them to test in their lab. I have listed the relevant web pages on my site:

Note that if you have a phone made by Huawei, their AV is provided by Avast, in which case you should get a report from Avast first, then write to Huawei with proof of a false-positive from Avast.

Should your App fail the test, create your own App Inventor Forum Topic and report the details. If your App is using any extensions, they might be inadvertently performing suspicious operations, or indeed they might be disguising a genuine virus.

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Hola, tengo el mismo problema.
En el hilo de la conversación he leído que una posible solución es denunciar el falso positivo en Avasta.
Fui al enlace que SteveJG facilitó.

Tengo una duda. ¿Qué archivo es el que piden? ¿Apk?

Gracias por aportar esta solución. A ver si contestan o incluyen mi aplicación en una lista blanca.

Por favor, puede ayudarme alguien?
Estoy intentando informar a Avast del falso positivo.
El formulario no se envía. Aunque lo he intentado 7 veces.
No sé si estoy cargando el archivo correcto.
Me puede contestar alguien, si es correcto enviar el archivo apka? O debo enviar el aia?

Probably send the apk, the apk is your compiled app. Your aia will not help Avast.

See https://support.avast.com/en-us/article/229/

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I am using Android 10 & android 9, my android 9 is redmi 6a, it says companion keep crashing!

Send bug report to Mi analysis? This report may contain Personally identifiable informationm. Your report....

Also if I install companion on redmi 8 pro, i too get the trojan problem/virus problem when it scans (phone inbuilt).

Please read Chris' post of May 20. The problem is with your redmi and its built-in virus scanner.

Your app has coding issues. Please start a new topic and show your code. Thanks.

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No, when I just open the companion it quits/stops, I am not facing that problem anymore.