Why is PhoneCall working on only one app?

Can somebody tell me why this application is working perfectly on my phone to give a direct phone call without having to ask for any permission, but when I use this PhoneCall component in my other application, I always have a 908 error about the call permission ? Thank you.
mac (1).aia (1.4 KB)

Android version on both phones ?

Hello Bruno

It most likely has nothing to do with your code and everything to do with Google Security Measures. On Android 10+, your App cannot be distributed via Google Play Store if it uses the Direct Phone Call function, Google want your App to feed the built-in Caller.


Actually, from your file name, are you comparing results on iOS with those on Android? iOS and Android are not so similar, nor are the policies of Apple and Google.

I tested with AI Companion on Android 11. It still worked exactly with your blocks.

Same example, just enable 'Phone' or 'phone call' or anything similar.

The version number is 9. I tried the two programs on the same phone.

But I tried the two progs on the same phone. The permissions should be the same ...

Nope. It's the same Android phone.

I tried that and still have the problem.

Did you see a dialog asking you for permission before?

They are 2 different apps, so you have to give them permissions 2 times, one for each app.

That's why I did, of course.

DernierAppel_copie.aia (518.5 KB)
mac (1).aia (1.4 KB)

Here are the two applications. The Mac application (which I juste downloaded from the blog and did not write myself) runs with no error message and is able to make a phone call using PhoneCall block. No 908 error message is displayed.

In my application (DernierAppel_copie) I try to use the same block, and the phone call works, but I always get a 908 error message (regarding PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS permission being denied) which I can't avoid. I even went to Settings part and allowed "Phone" for the application in the permissions part, but nothing changes. What is the reason, as the two applications use the same PhoneCall block ?

I must say that I tried both applications on the same phone LG G7, with (obviously) the same Android version.

The goal of my application DernierAppel_Copie (in French) is to give the user information about the last missed call, to let him know if the call was from one of his contacts or not, but I also would like to add the possibility for the user to recall the call number directly by clicking on a button. This is why I need to understand how to make the PhoneCall block work correctly.

Thank you.

You originally implied that you experienced the issue with the other file (mac), thus wasting everyone's time when we have other people to help too.


Nope. In the first message I said the following : "Can somebody tell me why this application is working perfectly on my phone to give a direct phone call without having to ask for any permission, but when I use this PhoneCall component in my other application, I always have a 908 error about the call permission ? Thank you." "This application" referred to the Mac application which I linked to the message. I am sorry if this was not clear enough.

It was pointless - how would testing a Project that works help us to find the issue in a Project that didn't work? Very obviously you should have uploaded the Project that didn't work.

I though I was not the only one having such problems, and maybe somebody would answer about it. Also the second application is much complicated than the first one I did not wanted to confuse everybody with it. Sorry.

You do not ask for call permission in your DernierAppel app? The other app does.....

OK, you should not need the Permission 'Read Contacts', that is implied when you include the Contacts Picker. The 'READ_CALL_LOG' permission? I didn't know that existed. In fact I think Sunny has recently created an Extension to enable access to the call log.