I want to pull data from google sheet after sending data it doesn't pull data from google sheet Can someone help me?
(Note) It's in Thai, so it might be a bit difficult.
what did you try? where is your code/ pls ask in a neat manner.
(Canned Reply: ABG- Export & Upload .aia)
Export your .aia file and upload it here.
A few things:
You may have a better developer experience using the Chartmakerplus extension
You should be sending data to your google form using the Web component, not the Webviewer
What are your two Web1.Get blocks doing? You do not show a respective Web1.Url, in any case you should only call one at a time (e.g. once the first has finished and returned a response, only then call the second one.
To get data from a google sheet
If the sheet is for anyone with the link:
METRIC RAT AI2 - Download from Public Google Sheet as CSV
METRIC RAT AI2 - Use gviz to get and query google sheet data
Spreadsheet component. Example. Google Sheets -
If the sheet is restricted:
Spreadsheet component. Example. Google Sheets
METRIC RAT AI2 - Use gviz to get or query PRIVATE google sheet data
METRIC RAT AI2 - Google Sheets - Simple POST and GET Data