Who created the .aia file

Good morning
I am going to teach (first time) MIT App inventor this semester and I am still learning. I need to know if there is a way to know who created the .aia file that my students will send to me.
I gave Arduino's course last semester and I have to ask them to add their name to the file because they shared the same file.
Is there any way for me to see who created the file?


You could ask your students to incorporate their name into the project name (Project->SaveAs) so it will show up in the exported .aia file name.

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The .aia is an extension for a compressed file that can be opened with any decompressor (Winrar, 7-zip or any other). A file called project.properties appears inside a folder called youngandroidproject. There you can see the username that created the project in ai2.mit.edu.

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But if you load a project (.aia) from another author and copy it into App Inventor (MyProjects / Save project as...) the copy changes the name to the new author.