When i go from screen 1 to screen 2 my app crashes

Hi Neelam

Can you pin-point where the error is?

Show us your version of my code.

ya sure:-
there command given to send the msg directly.. u see

thanks.. i just know that its not working

no need for that.. its same

So your SOS button runs the procedure, and TinyDB contains 7 phone numbers, one of which at least is genuine for your test.

ya.. exactly

... but there are no error messages? By the way, test as an APK rather than through the companion.

Yet another question - how does your User input the phone numbers the first time the App is run?

actually my app still crashes

there is a phone number picker & the user selects the no. from ther & the numbers which are selected are saved in the labels

I think it's time for me to take a look at your project to find the source of the crash

ya if you can then pls.. you r most wlcm to this....
i will be sharing the aia file soon

OK, probably take me a while :upside_down_face:

I took a quick look at your aia and think its the Navigation comp.:

Post the blocks where set the properties.

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If I remove the Navigation comp., the app doesn't crash.

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ok thank you Anke :slightly_smiling_face:

If I insert this block, I don't see this:


so this block was not used and the Navigation is useless.
So if you do not need it, remove it. Otherwise set the correct properties.

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ok thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

This thing solved my problem... now my app does not crash even with multiple screens.. but still the spinner & the SOS issues have got no solution
i am really thankful to everyone who have helped me solve
thank you:- @Anke , @ChrisWard , @Italo , @TIMAI2 , @Taifun , @SteveJG & @vknow360
every bit of your help means a lot


Hi Neelam

There are several reasons why the SOS messages can fail:

  1. It takes time for Location to be established (30 - 60 seconds).
  2. A Location Change must have occurred after Location is initially found.
  3. Depends on the accuracy of the sensor, how well the region is covered by GPS, how accurate Google Maps are for the region.
  4. The messages must be sent with a short time interval between each (2-3 seconds)
  5. With all of this setup, results are better, but in my tests still unreliable - though my region has poor GPS.

Given all of that, I have put together a stand-alone SOS Button App as an example for you to test, tweak and butcher (as an APK) :hammer_and_wrench:

SOS_BUTTON.aia (13.6 KB)