What's a good emulator to try?

@ABG It was just researching this to try another emulator. Some Forum posts and answers -maybe from a very old post- indicate Memuplay as an excellent alternative. I even opened the page, to take a look, but I didn't get it installed. Now your suggestion has left me in doubt... and a lot of time is lost with all these comparative tests.

I would like to know if you have already had a chance to test the Memuplay and still indicate the superiority of Genymotion, so that I can choose between one of the two and thus proceed directly with a single installation.

Grateful :pray:


A good question.

I have documented some of my emulator experiences in

I just checkd, and my laptop has MemuPlay and MultiMemu installed on, both free with game ads. The Multi-Memu is useful when you need several emulator images, working cross-version on test Companions.

My desktop PC runs BlueStacks 5, also free with ads, but the ads are on the side, where I can clip around them when making demo runs.

I don't bother with AIStarter. Search the Web for Wallace and Grommit The Wrong Trousers for what I think of the AIStarter startup sequence.

P.S. Regarding GenyMotion, I have used that in the past, but it required a different apk file for the Companion, names emulator.apk, due to some low level architectural difference in that emulator documented in the FAQ. Life's too short for that.

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Tks :raised_hands:

As soon as I finish reading the 67 main links and make a decision, I point your answer as the 'Solution'. :pray:


15K Users in the Forum...

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But no one but @ABG can suggest me what a good emulator is ... :confused:


What do you think a good emulator means? In my opinion, any that works is good. Another issue is what API a given emulator works on and what API you need. I have Android Studio installed and I have emulators for every API from 28 to 35. In addition, I also have BlueStack which works on API30.
How about trying out the emulators you wrote about and then letting us know if they're "good"?

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Tks :pray:
