What is wrong in my code?

Getting "Data not found" indicates that the tag does not exist. Are you trying to get the tags from your namespace NS1 ? If so you need to set namespace NS1 before you call the taglist.

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I am trying to get from NS2 and i have set the name also

What should I do???

These are my current blocks

Check the existence of the tag returned in Listview1.Selection (for namespace NS2). If it exists, check the value of the tag. Is there anything there ?

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I didn't get what you were saying

Just add another Label (you can delete it later, no issues; it's just a temporary variable), and set it's text to TinyDB1.GetValueFromTags from the namespace "NS2."

Sorry, I don't know/or am not able to understand you both...

Can you pls check it once

and now a new error is occurring, The Number, Miles, Calories, and Time Label are not resetting themselves

Create a new label. If the namespace exists, the code below should update it to the namespace's content. If it doesn't exist, the label will remain unchanged:

No offense, but could you please ask your questions a little beforehand next time? Procrastination is certainly not going to help you.

ohk im sorry

under which event should i put this?

After you update the values in NS2.

how to update?

You've already updated them in your code....

so should i leave this code as it is and then test it

That wouldn't work at all.
Update it under ListView1.AfterPicking.

What should i do about this now?

This is happening

Pls tell what to do…