Webviewer extension for Video, audio, images, gif, pdf upload

Could anybody be having webviwer extension for uploading videos, audios, images, gif from an app to a website?
I would really appreaciate the help.

Webviewextra and a suitable html file

Thanks a lot, let me try it.

I tried using the above extension for uploading videos, voice message images, gif unfortunately I couldn't do it.

This is what I want to do, I have a social media platform that allows users to upload videos, images, gifs, video, voice notes.

When I try to upload those items direct from the website, it is possible but I can't upload them from my web view app made in mit app inventor.

Could anybody help me with extension to allow me upload those files direct from the app.

Then possibly the issue is here ?

Show your method for uploading to your site ?


By browsing the website directly, I can upload any file type but when using my webviewer app, I can't not upload any file.

You need to upload your image again

The image is this one....

OK, what is going on in the html behind this page ? My fear is that is a javascript framework or similar, which has deeply nested calls to the required input tag that the webviewer/webviewextra is for some reason unable to see and action. We had this issue before.

Also, please show your blocks for setting up the webviewer with the extension

Sure, I will send the picture of blocks tomorrow.. Here is already dark, and I don't have access to a laptop right now.

That website is wowonder application....

Maybe someone could have solved it here since wowonder is a common application.

Never heard of it (wowonder), but looking at the docs it runs a proprietory php framework along with javascript, and offers several different storage solutions. What storage solution are you using?

Have you tested with a mobile browser, does that work for uploads ?

p.s. it is getting dark here too :wink:

Greetings, yes they have so many storage options to choose from but I have just opted to use my hosting disc stoarge space, maybe I will upgrade with time.

Being new to app inventor, I have failed to build this block, Not seeing the main block anywhere. the block having childfolders, scope and parent

These are the blocks in my app to notify users of internet access. But I would like to add the blocks to allow uploads of videos, audios, gif, images. any suggestion is welcomed.
Website is ptcmint.com

These are the blocks in my app to notify users of internet access. any suggestion is welcomed.
Website is ptcmint.com

You need to follow the documentation for the webviewextra extension, and set the webviewer to the extension in the screen initialise event.


Don't worry about adding blocks for the advanced features at this stage

Can you create a test account to allow me to test your web app ?

Mit ai companion test code.


Could there be anyway We can have only one account and colloaborate on task in app inventor?

It is unfortunate that I had login to app inventor with my google email, making it impossible to let you into my account. But if we can have one account where we can collaoborate on task, I would appreciate. thanks