Webview dont active when negative to new screen

What's wrong with my blocks, when app negative to screen2, webvier is dont show anything ?!
my device already turn on wifi and 3g/4g!screen1 Screen2

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What you want to show is web viewer?

i want web viewer link to a website

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Which website?
Can you give that website link?

you can see it in my block

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You want to open Google?

it just a web, google just an example.

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Ok, but why you used before page loaded block? If there was not internet connection website will tell automatically

cause i dont want to show my web url.

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So, you should do like this when screen2 Initialize, If have network connection, then call webviewer go to url https://google.com.vn, else show image like this or anything.

@hoang_ph_m Have you checked? It works?

it work, but web viewer show my web url
your mean is the same with my block, when device disconnect, and set webviewer visible to true ( it them same to set image ..)

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Please wait I am giving aia. So you can understand.

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im waiting ..

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Oh Sorry I forgot.

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Where I can find have network connection block?

it an extension "netconected"Capture

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Can you give me that extension please?


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Here is the aia.
Test_for_hoang_ph_m.aia (20.6 KB)
Add connectivity block by your own.