Video player url source not working

I am using the google drive extension
Drive File Display Extension (FREE) - #13 by golumaths100 - Extensions - Kodular Community ....url get...... it works perfect with picture however when I try to play the video, it send an undefined error.......I downloaded the exact same video and uploaded via app inventor and it plays perfectly.....however when I try to use url does not work/......file is 1mb and it's mp4 format......I have read this same issue here in this community ( Videoplayer with URL not work )( Video player error:undefined - #4 by ewpatton ) , however, there is no solution to it........any help? is this a general issue with app inventor?

blocks are.. testing blocks........when click>>>set video player source to>>>drive extension block "show file get url" >>> url from shared link google drive>>>>call start video....

Please tell us what Google Drive extension you are using (provide a link to the topic) and also your relevant blocks.

I rewrote my main topic...thanks!