You have an interesting looking device i cant comprehend what i see
so there is no bars at any edge.. i dont know what i am doing wrong, as you see in .aia file there is no settings i touched..
Ok it seems i am the only one who is facing this issue here, i am testing it on an iphone 13 PM and i am in Responsive Design and i dont know what i did wrong.
You should tell us first.
Ahhh, different world (not one I know anything about)
For what it is worth, your videos probably do not need dimensions any greater than 300w x 160h, this saves the app from having to rescale.
OMG, i am so sorry, i know App inventor and IOS implement is in progress for years long but i am only using iphone with Companion App for testing and since i have no Android phone anymore,i didnt know an iphone could be a problem even in the Companion app. i am so sorry yall, ok i guess i need an Android phone, thanks for your interest, i have another question; as i see we all have video control button when we tap on video but actually i wouldnt want that, so should i convert my video to gif and use it with webViewer?
I didnt finish the design details yet since i am back to App Inventor after a while, i am warming up again so testing is what i am doing for now but probably i will need to play videos on a landscape mode about 3/2 of the screen which seems around 1500X800px
Yes, actually i could achieve a barless video frame with some px numbers for my phone but i am designing it for Anroid phones and i am working with Responsive design so on another screen those specific pixel numbers wont work same as on Control device. am i correct? I know neither pixel number nor the aspect ratio has any logical standard i cropped these videos from my screen recording, so aspect ratio for my total 11 videos is a mess..
See above, my last screenshot.
Yes i saw them. and umm...what should i do with them? I wont use specific pixel numbers for playing video, sorry i couldnt get what you are trying to show me, you mean its a large video than it should be ?
You have to maintain the aspect ratio. The size is up to you.
Ok, i will crop them again with same ratio but i couldnt get the logic of it.
By the way, i am trying to follow your methods about playing video files above 5mb here
i packed my 8.60 Mb video into winrar and it got 8.56 Mb so i couldnt add that file into assets on designer window. You wrote a video up to 25Mb is possible with that method but my winrar could only compress it 0.04 Mb i am hopeless
If all your videos have the same aspect ratio (888wx480h), then if you set your video player to 222wx120h as Anke has shown, this works fine in Android as well
Sure but i plan to cover a specific percentage of the screen rather than giving certain pixels to videos because all of my components in app is working with percentages. Actually i am struggling with adding videos in app package somehow, i am reading about ASD but i dont seem to understand the logic yet, i dont want to download them, i want the app use the videos in the app package/directory but i couldnt get the logic yet, i cant upload bulky videos but it seems possible to put videos in app directory somehow, i am just trying to understand and there are some permissons to write external memory i dont even know where to out that string or how to do it, that small article doesnt seem beginner level
Then keep to the aspect ratio. You can work backwards from px values to percentages once you get the screen width and height.
For example, say you want the video to have a width of 50% of the screen, and your video aspect ratio is 1.85, (222/120):
(Clock set to 250ms, to give the screen time to get its own dimensions)
Wow, ok , umm i couldnt get why we use a timer even you mentioned at the last sentence, but Screen1.width is the original pixel number of the actual display, right? so we are gathering this info from phone itself?
Besides that, what you demonstrated with the last block is actually what i was trying to do somehow; locking the width with percentage and set the height according to the aspect ratio since there are phones with same width but not same height like 16:9 and 21:9, i actually wrote this but couldnt send because i lost my connection at home for a few min, here original post ;
"I dont know how real designers overcome this issue because even with the percentage videos could get strecthed since there such an aspect ratio as 21:9, there must be a locking system between height and width"
so last block is definitely what i needed, thank you so much, now i am dealing how to carry my video files along the app without burning them into apk via App Inventor because she doesnt let us put more than 5Mb. I am struggling and trying to deal with ASD system now, (if thats what i need)
As indicated, if you tried to use the Screen1.Width block and the calculations in the Screen1.Initialise block, it is likely to not work, because the screen is in a state of initialisation, and Appinventor has not quite got all the properties of the screen. The clock timer allows for this, so that the correct Screen1.Width is available after the clock has fired.
After i saw these blocks, i am about to abort because no sir, i cant do that, all these blocks are just for the permisson?! :)) Somehow i have to find a way to deploy the videos that app will need but i dont want them to be seen in gallery as normal videos, so i have to somehow put close to app itself or the Directory is the name for that i guess but this time i have to learn about ASD as i saw
From Anke;