Video Player Black Bars

Hi, i have made a search but couldn't find a similar post, so;

i designed a very basic app to work with video players, my purpose is to show videos with some control buttons, nothing special here, but what i struggle with is my video has black bars and i cant get rid of them, i set the player height and width to automatic but i have black bars at below and above, i thought when i set it to automatic so videoplayer will be the size of the video but obviously it doesnt. so would you give me suggestions?

Does your video playback without black bars in other settings ?

What are the specs for the video? (Use ffmpeg -i myvideo.mp4 to get output)

Hi, thanks for your interest, my video plays without black bars only if i set specific percentages for video player height and width settings but obviously that is not a solution since it only works for my device’s resolution and display ratio but i am in a responsive design so its not solution,

Actually this is a video from a screen recording and i cropped it as i liked so it doesn’t have a certain aspect ratio( i basically cropped it on my cellphone)

And sorry but i am not pro to understand about your suggestion
“ ffmpeg -i myvideo.mp4”

Sorry for that,

My video was screenrecorded in HVEC and i converted it into .mp4 to reduce its size. So do i need to convert the orijinal HVEC file in a specific way? And if i need to convert again, i can choose 3gp or mp4 since these are the only codecs App Inventor accepts.

I have just tested with an mp4 and a webm video using the videoplayer component. The video fills the videoplayer, regardless of any sizing I give it.

Can you share the video in question (use google drive) ? I can take a look, perhaps re-encode it to behave ?

Sure, here is a link for the video;


OMG, sorry, ok i guess wetransfer would be better;

and also i am sharing .aia file.,

vd_Test.aia (2.9 MB)

this is what i see ;

This is what I see

(video too wide for screen, no bars...)

You have an interesting looking device :slight_smile: i cant comprehend what i see :slight_smile: so there is no bars at any edge.. i dont know what i am doing wrong, as you see in .aia file there is no settings i touched..

Ok it seems i am the only one who is facing this issue here, i am testing it on an iphone 13 PM and i am in Responsive Design and i dont know what i did wrong.

You should tell us first.

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Ahhh, different world (not one I know anything about)

For what it is worth, your videos probably do not need dimensions any greater than 300w x 160h, this saves the app from having to rescale.

OMG, i am so sorry, i know App inventor and IOS implement is in progress for years long but i am only using iphone with Companion App for testing and since i have no Android phone anymore,i didnt know an iphone could be a problem even in the Companion app. i am so sorry yall, ok i guess i need an Android phone, thanks for your interest, i have another question; as i see we all have video control button when we tap on video but actually i wouldnt want that, so should i convert my video to gif and use it with webViewer?

I didnt finish the design details yet since i am back to App Inventor after a while, i am warming up again so testing is what i am doing for now but probably i will need to play videos on a landscape mode about 3/2 of the screen which seems around 1500X800px

iPhone 6s:


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Yes, actually i could achieve a barless video frame with some px numbers for my phone but i am designing it for Anroid phones and i am working with Responsive design so on another screen those specific pixel numbers wont work same as on Control device. am i correct? I know neither pixel number nor the aspect ratio has any logical standard :slight_smile: i cropped these videos from my screen recording, so aspect ratio for my total 11 videos is a mess..

See above, my last screenshot.

Yes i saw them. and umm...what should i do with them? I wont use specific pixel numbers for playing video, sorry i couldnt get what you are trying to show me, you mean its a large video than it should be ?

You have to maintain the aspect ratio. The size is up to you.

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