The easiest way is to use list (not list of list);
generate a list containing number 1,2,3, ... 52, in which, 1-13 for spades, 14-26 for hearts.....
shuffle the list
seperate the list/cards to 2 player, for example, item 1 to 26 for player1, 27 to 52 for player2
use the Quotient of (num-1) / 13 +1 to check the suit, 1 for spade, 2 for hearts....
and the reminder of (num-1)/13 +1 to get the index/value. 1 for ace, 11 for jack, 12 for queen....
That's what I eventually did. @ABG and @TIMAI2 have been helping me to get a better version, and what you said kinda sound like my souped-up one I'm using. It is so cool that for something as simple (yet complex when you try it) as sorting and dealing a deck has so many different ways and solutions to do it. Thanks @Mary_L220 for the idea, and @KevinWang for yet another way to do it.
Can someone help me on how to unshuffle the cards ? I am creating sound game app with matching type. But the photos are shuffling and the sound of the animals is not shuffling. Can somebody help ? Please .
Here are some resources to help you learn to use the AI2 tools A very good way to learn App Inventor is to read the free Inventor’s Manual here in the AI2 free online eBook App Inventor 2 Book: Create Your Own Android Apps … the links are at the bottom of the Web page. The book ‘teaches’ users how to program with AI2 blocks.
Here you can download my project sir and check if you dont mind and you have extra time sir ? My only problem sir is how to add the sound and if the images will shuffle the sound will also shuffle . But I dont know how sir. Please help me sir