Update My App - Extension - Useful to app builders to update their distributed apps

hi TIM,
i did not get what you mean by ( Why add an extra layer of complexity? Just use the web component and a notifier to do this . )

  • see that "CheckForUpdate" block requires two parameters (sheet ID and Sheet Name); works fine with open sheet .. now my sheet is restricted ; so i have the script ID and not sheet id and no sheet name . .. can you explain what do you mean by >> Just use the web component and a notifier to do this . ) ?

I understood you were developing on an iPhone, and therefore unable to use extensions....

Hello! my school is very strict and i cant open up and google related stuff outside of my school district. Can you put the .aix file onto a file sharing service. I can use .io websites and i found out wetransfer is unblocked. Love, austin!

anyway, you have to use Google drive to be able to put your program updates there, if you also want the extension, there are many people who will give it to you directly here

Not based upon our approach to extensions on this community.

Only the extension developer, @Automate_MyProject can do that for the requestor.

it's true

I had forgotten that :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

hi please help my application gives the following message (error: no data is found with value)

It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.

To get an image of your blocks, right click in the Blocks Editor and select "Download Blocks as Image". You might want to use an image editor to crop etc. if required. Then post it here in the community.


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

Hello. I'm using this extension with my spreadsheet, and whenever I attempt to use it, the companion crashes. I have put a specific entry in my spreadsheet for MIT AI2 Companion (app's name), and I've put an insanely large number for the version (no commas). I'm using the official AIA file and still no result. Using official emulator.

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I have the same issue...

First thing, I understood that to test with MIT App Inventor Companion App, I needed to use MIT AI2 Companion in Spreadsheet.
Even with everything set apparently correct, can't make it work... When everything is OK, it shows "already updated to the latest version, inspite of whatever number I put!

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Hi everyone,

After updating the application, when I run it again, the update message comes again. While the application version is the same

any body reply please...

you might want to provide a screenshot of some relevant blocks of how you use the extension...



sir awaiting resonse.. below is blocks

I'm not familiar with that extension, the author @Automate_MyProject might want to respond

Why are you updating the app and use the same version as previously? Does this make sense?


I don't update. Actually, my question is that when I open the application, if there is a new version available, then the update message should appear, otherwise it shouldn't.

Hello @Automate_MyProject , I'm experiencing the following problem with the extension: it finds the new version available, but instead of updating the app, it downloads the new version as a new app (so I remain with two apps installed, old and new version).

Here after my blocks, they seem exactly the same as the ones suggested, any idea of the problem?

Thanks a lot

I don't think it's an extension issue. It's likely that the new version of the app has a different package name. Maybe you used a different email address to log into your account, or a different server?