Update my app API to Android 13

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Ich habe Jetzt Zeit bis 1.Nov.2023

Did you unpublish your apps yourself (manually on the Play Store)? I do not think so. And then it's not surprising that Google asks you to adjust the targetSdkVersion of your apps.

Incidentally, your app can still be found in the Play Store by users who already purchased the apps. However, these are no longer displayed / listed for new users on devices with a higher API level than the current targetSdk of your apps.

Marcio, dont worry about your unpublished apps, google is sending me same message for my 2 unpublished apps. Just ignore it. (Also google play is asking me to update some apps that were suspended by google LOL, so i suspect its an automatic message). The only thing is that users who downloaded your apps before you unpublished it will not find it anymore if they get a newer device, so better for you as you dont want to support new or former users of unplublished apps.Just update your published apps when target sdk 33 is available :wink:
Edit: I can confirm you google play console messages are for all your apps, no matter suspended, unpublished or active published apps. They sent me an email to update only published apps, the unpublished apps were not included in the list.

Hello to all of you. I also received this notification from google. you need to update the app before august 31 to the new standards, i.e. the app must be targeting Android 13 (API level 33) or later. This is only possible if MIT app inventor releases the update by that date. At the moment, from comments prior to mine, it appears that the update should be released around August 26. Anyway, I recommend to all of you, what I did: it is possible to ask google for a time extension on the update to API 33. This deferment puts the deadline at November 1. I advise all of you developers to make this request. It is usually granted. So we have more time to update our apps.
I am still waiting for communication from MIT app inventor developers.

Thank you



MIT says they expect App Inventor will target API level 33 by about August 26 planned update.

API Level 33 Necessary from August 2023 - #18 by ewpatton.

I have received the update message by email and in the developer account, in the developer account you can open the message and there is an option to request an extension of time to update our app, I have requested and they have given me the extension until October 31, you just have to click on see details in the message that is in the developer account and there in the button that is inside the message that says to request an extension and mark the obsessions that appear because it is the reason that They request the extension and the extension is given immediately.

The question remains: an extension for what? That doesn't seem to be clear to most users. They're panicking because Google is once again running a pathetic information policy (not to mention the yearly annoying stuff with those targetSdk updates - all of course always "only" in the interest of the user :wink:).

You obviously didn't read my last post or didn't understand it.

a temporary solution to extend the deadline until November has been mentioned here

EDIT: this is necessary of course only if you plan to update your app

And again: why?

See also here:

Developers must target the API to 33 and update their apps before the timeline if not done then after that they will not be allowed to update the existing apps anymore.

Where is that written? Or better asked: Where does Google say that?

yes... of course only if you plan to update your app then you can request to extend the deadline, see also API Level 33 Necessary from August 2023 - #6 by Taifun

New apps and app updates must target API level 33 to be submitted to Google Play

please provide proof of that statement


In other words, any developer who misses this deadline will never be able to update their apps again. That's ridiculous.

Read the description here in below given screenshots from Google Play Console.

you just confirmed yourself, that only updates are affected...


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Yes, I said updates only

Exactly, and many users don't seem to realize this and are panicking about Google's pathetic information policy (as I've said elsewhere).

There is a separate policy than this one that affects every app, specifically:

Existing apps that don't target an API level within two years of the latest major Android version release will not be available to all users.

Currently, existing apps [...] must target API level 31 or above by August 31, 2023 [...]. Otherwise, they will stop being discoverable to all Google Play users whose devices run Android OS versions newer than your app’s target API level...

From Target API level requirements for Google Play apps - Play Console Help

So basically, if you don't update your app after two years Google will stop showing it to anyone with a newer device than the target SDK dictates, effectively soft-delisting it from the Play Store, unless developers put in the effort to update to the latest SDK regularly.

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