Hi everyone, I would like to know if it is possible to have an "update system" in my App without a dowload(qr code or apk) again.
For example, I have my App 1.1, it is the first version that i have on my phone, i downloaded it with qr code.
And then on App Inventor i worked about the same App but version 1.2, I add new option in this version and i would like to replace my 1.1 to version 1.2 without a download from App Inventor but directly an update from my app. Is it possible ?
(French sorry if my english is bad and for any spelling mistakes)
it is possible, but only if data is changing... precondition is, you are using an online database...
in case you like to change the logic or add new features, then you have to download a new version of the apk file