I failed to publish my app written with MIT APP INVENTOR to the Play Store.
Here is the error message:
<< Play Installer Verification requires SDK 21 or later. The minimum SDK version of the imported app bundle is 7. Update the minSdkVersion attribute in your app's Android manifest file.>>
Did I lose my $25 Play Store registration fee?
Bonne journée
Je n'ai pas réussi à publier mon application écrite avec MIT APP INVENTOR sur Play Store.
Voici le message d'erreur:
<< La vérification du programme d'installation Play nécessite le SDK 21 ou version ultérieure. La version minimale du SDK de l'app bundle importé est 7. Mettez à jour l'attribut minSdkVersion dans le fichier manifeste Android de votre appli. >>
Ai-je perdu les 25$ de mon inscription sur Play Store ?
March 4, 2025, 9:55am
You will need this extension to handle the issue:
March 4, 2025, 1:13pm
Alternatively follow these steps
This is a new feature of Google Play and has nothing to do with extensions. Specifically, Google now by default has a feature called "Automatic Protection" for apps, which if turned on injects new code into the AAB before it is converted into APKs to be distributed to users. The code Google injects requires the app be min SDK 21. It looks like if you turn it off you can upload AABs created by App Inventor without issue (like every app ever made up until Google introduced this new mechanism). Her…
Thank you very much, you found the solution.
It works now.
Thank you very much for your help.
Actually, there are problems with old smartphones. AI companion does not support minSdk21.aix
Have a nice day.
March 5, 2025, 1:17pm
What kind of problems? You migjt want to follow these steps Minimum SDK... Play Store doesn't like my .aab - #65 by ewpatton
Yes, it only makes sense to test this in the apk file
March 5, 2025, 2:23pm
old smartphones
Means? Post a screenshot of the (error) message.
On Galaxy SII
apk whith the "minSdk21.aix"
Bonne journée
March 6, 2025, 10:14am
Galaxy SII
The Galaxy SII was introduced in 2011 (!!!) with Android 2.3.6, later upgraded to Android 4. Of course, an app with minSdkVersion = 21 (Android 5) cannot be installed on it.