TinyDB with buttons

TR (6).aia (172.2 KB)

I copied the blocks putting it in the backpack.

What are RB_Virtual?

It's the file I sent you, RB_Virtual.aia, which works without error.

Oh yeah my bad. So you're saying that I have to edit your project . I'll try

It worked. Thank you so much. The las thing I'll ask it's how to pass the stats to an excel.


You can do that, but equally you can calculate anything necessary in-App via the Maths Blocks. ABG is particularly good at math with App Inventor.

If you do need to make a file for excel to read, make it a .csv (comma separated values).

That consists of rows and columns like a spread sheet. Each column is separated with a comma and each row ends with a 'Line end' \n


I mean can I separate the columns by names for example? And would I get all the data that has made that name?

Yes of course you can do that.

I though that putting in "Text" the text of the label of test it would work, but I guess I have to build a list with /n Carles /n Comas... no?

It depends on how you want to arrange the table/spreadsheet




Like : Carles,TL,T2,T3,F,A,R

Yep - you can actually build a Table in your App with Ken's extension:

And in name of the file, what I have to put?

Right - you are building the table in a way I didn't expect :grimacing:

The Whole Chart would look like:

Player, TL,T2,T3,F,A,R\n <-- Title Row

Name,val,val,val,val,val,val\n <-- Data from TinyDb
Name,val,val,val,val,val,val\n <-- Data from TinyDb
Name,val,val,val,val,val,val\n <-- Data from TinyDb
Name,val,val,val,val,val,val\n <-- Data from TinyDb
Name,val,val,val,val,val,val\n <-- Data from TinyDb

The file (.csv) needs to initially be saved in the ASD (App Specific Folder) - go to the Tutorial and Guides forum to see how to set that.

A Table example

So in name I write "Name" and only five or the name of each player? I feel so dumb but I don't understand nothing, neither how nor where to put the table hahah

That's up to you - is the Table specifically most recent Match Data or is it Season-so-far Data that you want in your Table.

Here is an example Football League Table

LeagueTableSorted_Pts_Gd.aia (27.4 KB)

It is

I've looked the table but thats not that I want. What I want is that all the data that comes out in the test label is saved and I can download it in .csv to later make the tables in excel.

Can it be like this or not?
When I put this in excel, I can only see the names but not the data