A Table example
So in name I write "Name" and only five or the name of each player? I feel so dumb but I don't understand nothing, neither how nor where to put the table hahah
That's up to you - is the Table specifically most recent Match Data or is it Season-so-far Data that you want in your Table.
It is
I've looked the table but thats not that I want. What I want is that all the data that comes out in the test label is saved and I can download it in .csv to later make the tables in excel.
Can it be like this or not?
When I put this in excel, I can only see the names but not the data
That's because you have not retrieved the data from TinyDB_STATS nor pre-processed it (added-up all the TL, T2, T3 etc values per player.) Your output should be only from the TinyDb records, you should not 'hard code' player names.
Also, I see you are only exporting a Match? Before you were interested in 'Season-so-far'.
My bad, translator confused me. The idea is do match by match and aggrupe them in a excel
And how can I do that an also watch the time I pressed the button?
The 'test' button that prints the stats on-screen - that code is how you extract the data.
That would be much easier to do in code before sending to Excel than performing the task in Excel.
That needs a better description, I don't understand
But I don't know how, and in excel yes.
Wgen I press a button, for example TL YES, in test label it puts the time that I pressed the buttons, so I want to know how pass all the data (and also the time) to the excel. Because now I can put the label test in the excel, but not in columns.
OK, I can take a look at it for you but not today as my wife has become unwell and I need to take her to see a doctor.
Don't worry first things first and it's something that doesn't rush
As an alternate, you can connect app with gsheet and do the rest if possible
...we spent the whole night awake in hospital, got home early this afternoon. The Mrs is much better at the moment though she hasn't been 'repaired' yet
Do all your T1, T2 etc buttons work, storing the data in TinyDB_STATS?
The main code for producing suitable output for Excel with be to loop through the Players and within that Loop, Loop through all the Matches.
The time records should be a separate analysis and that too is easier to produce in-App than in Excel.
Post your latest aia file for me to add an example output. I'll take a look tonight or some time tomorrow.
I'm glad to hear that
Yes, all the buttons work
RB_Virtual (1).aia (125.2 KB)
Thanks for looking it, I'm so grateful with you.
How can I connect it?
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Credit to @TIMAI2