Timepicker minutes as 00,15,30,45

I am using TimePicker, and user can select the time from this Picker. But right now the selected time displays as hh:mm where mm can be from 00 to 59.
Now, I want to give an option to users where they can choose minutes as 00, 15, 30, 45 only. Is it doable in appInventor?

Create your own timepicker with blocks and arrangements

Unfortunately that's not supported at this time, but seems like it might be a good feature to add.

That's a List Picker with Elements 00, 15, 30, 45

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You could try this little popup extension:

Try this: selectTime.aia (2.1 KB)


Or do it using only 1 button:

timepicktest.aia (2.1 KB)



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Thanks everyone for your suggestions. However I liked the idea proposed by @m_casky. I would like to try this one.
Look wise, It is not as good as Time Picker but for the time it solved the purpose.

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