Testing the next release of MIT App Inventor (nb187)

its released..

As I suspected:

See also here:

Note that you can still use Legacy mode in these situations while we work on fixing the issues with shared scope storage.

At least the apps will be safer for users :grin:

See here:

A post was split to a new topic: How to store and share a text file in new release?

A post was split to a new topic: To upload an AAB you must be registered on Play App Signing."

how can i see nb187 source code??

@Salman_Dev Probably https://github.com/mit-cml/appinventor-sources

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I think specifically this tag: https://github.com/mit-cml/appinventor-sources/tree/v187


Mere mortals cannot see that "branch" - probably for good reason :wink:


The v187 tag (as linked by @BeksOmega) is the closest you can get to seeing the nb187 sources. When we do a release, we tag the open source version with the v### tag and then apply our private branding (Terms of Service, private keys, etc.), and that becomes the corresponding version put on ai2.appinventor.mit.edu.


:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Thank you very much for the info MIT Team :kissing_heart:

I :heart: MIT


Here is a test APK that only works with the File component (no extension is used):

Tested on Android 11 (Pixel 2XL).


  1. File.Exists from assets does not work with the APK (Companion works).

  2. WRITE permission must be declared in the Manifest so that it works after the automatic request of storage permission.
    If the permission is denied:
    "Error 908: The permission READ_/WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission has been denied. Please ..." depending on which action is carried out.
    If the permission is granted, however, it works, although WRITE permission can of course no longer be granted under Android 11, since it no longer exists there.

  3. All shared folders work without problems, except /Documents.
    The folder /Download works with all file types (txt, jpg, mp3, ogg, mp4, ...).
    Non-media files (like .txt) should only work with /Download and /Documents.

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I don't have an android11 device. Should android10 also allow writing to shared folders without write permission? I wanted to test the write, but components that write anything ask for write permission.

therefore the permission should be defined like this

  android:maxSdkVersion="28" />

see also @Anke's tests, for example this one


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This should have been the first easy fix to nb187 to facilitate further testing on all devices.

The point here is not whether or not WRITE permission is granted, just whether WRITE is declared in the Manifest. As I said several times, WRITE can no longer be granted under Android 11.

Yes, see also here:

If requestLegacyExternalStorage for Android 10 is not used, then set maxSdkVersion to 28, otherwise to 29.

My question is, does android10 allow writing to shared folders without write permission? Same as in ASD.