How to store and share a text file in new release?

Hi, everyone, I'm a little bit confused with recent changes and the possibility to share files.
My app used to create a .csv file and share it, using the following code-blocks:

Can you help me to figured it out what do I need to change to keep this working on AAB mode?

In addition, I see this information on Designer screen:


Thank you in advance

store the file in the ASD - application specific directory and share it from there...
here is a working solution using the DefaultFileScope App (in the Screen1 properties) and the file extension (I also tried DefaultFileScope Legacy with the same result)

share.aia (33.9 KB)
you can find the file extension here:

@ewpatton however it probably also should work without specifying the path to the ASD? The Sharing component adds file:// to the filename... see the error message

@ewpatton please also update the documentation of the file component for the old methods (AppendToFile, Delete, ReadFrom, SaveFile)... thank you...


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

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Wow! Thank you @Taifun, great solution, it works fine.

Can I upload this extension to an AAB app at Google Play?

I saw the file:// add in sharing component, but I asume it was an error by myself, thank you for clarifying.


yes of course

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Great!, thank you very much.

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