Doubt, should I be able to delete a row from the google spreadsheet when y select an item from the list, even if the Item are read in format CSV ?
Let me explain you waht I am traying to do.
I need to filter a colomn text from an spreadsheet, then I need to show those items in a list view , select ant specific item and errease the row with a botton
Before you do anything detailed in the test server, you should know that the Spreadsheets component will be released on within the next week.
Just the opposite. Right now, the Spreadsheet component is only available on a testing server. Next week, we hope to make it available on our regular site.
So this is one of those fun (?) little details about how the internals of App Inventor works that causes things to break in odd ways. As a workaround, you could assign the result to a label's text field and then use that in the data. The internal fix is straightforward but likely an edge case the original implementor did not consider.