Testers Wanted: Google Sheets component

(Updated April 8 2022)

We have updated the unreleased Google Sheets component from 2020, developed by @Tommy_Heng.

It is available on a test server here: http://sheets.srlane-test.uc.r.appspot.com

The Companion to use is here: MITAI2Companion-full.apk - Google Drive

Emulator Companion: Emulator.apk - Google Drive

It should behave the same as his explanation here: Built In Google Sheets Component for App Inventor

However, note that the exact setup process for connecting to a personally-owned sheet has changed due to changes on Google's end. Our setup documentation has been updated. You can find it here: Google Sheets API Setup

We would appreciate feedback from anyone who can try it out. We're hoping to release soon.


When I insert the GoogleSheets component into the Designer screen, all the components in MIT Companion screen (v. 2.62) disappear.


:roll_eyes: you are so fussy Juan :joy:


there should be a companion download link under Help, and there isn't. i will fix that asap.


I added the Companion for download in the original post. Sorry about that.


If anyone is testing, please pause. I accidentally loaded the wrong build. I'll comment when it's fixed.


This should be fixed now.


1.- Test 1

There are errors when there are empty intermediate cells.

With colNumber:1 it doesn't work, because there are empty intermediate cells in this column.
With colNumber:2 it does work.

2.- Test 2


Don't add the value to row 6, it adds it to row 3 because it is the first one that is empty.

3.- Test 3


Got this errror:


4.- Test 4

[["This is cell A1"],[""],["Célula A5"]]

I think you should get the following, since there are three empty cells in that column:

[["This is cell A1"],[""],[""],[""],["Célula A5"]]


Thanks. This is very useful.

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I have updated the original post with a new companion. The bugs you reported should be fixed.

I received a request for access to the companion file, but the security settings should allow anyone with the link to download it. were you able to download the companion?

I was able to get and install the new MITAI2Companion-full.apk (2022/01/26)

Check my previous post.

1.- Test 1

now it works, i can get a column with empty middle cells.

2.- Test 2
AddRow. make a list: This is a row

when I click several times I get new rows, but why do I get "This is a row" in the third column?. I think it should be in the first column.

3.- Test 3

AddCol make a list: New Column

The error continues:
AddCol: 400 Bad Request

4.- Test 4

ReadWithQuery gridId0 query select A
The error continues:
I get
[["This is cell A1"],[""],["Célula A5"]]
I must get
[["This is cell A1"],[""],[""],[""],["Célula A5"]]

i think ReadWithQuery must have the same bug with empty cells, and I missed fixing it. My tests against AddRow and AddCol worked as I expected. Google's API is complex, though.

You're using the same blocks you shared above? I'll work with those.

Is there an Emulator.apk companion available, for x86 emulators (like genymotion) ?

Yes. I'll make that available.

Emulator companion is now up for download.

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  • AddCol

  • AddRow

Unfortunately it will not load a project
I tried a restart.


With ReadSheet, I was expecting a valid Json, but I'm having problems with empty cells.

I get


I expected to get.


In the middle row 3, when all cells are empty, it expected to get.

In row 5, when cell E5 (it is the last of the row) is empty, it should get [""].

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