Suggest me alternatives to kodular components so that I can shift to app inventor

Use a Label

Use an extension

Use an extension

Build your own, possibly using an extension

The :trophy: way is to search the Pura Vida Apps extensions directory, with a list of 800+ extensions.


Empty label?

Which one share link please.

Which one share link please.

Which one share link please.

Yes, a label with nothing and only the Height and the Width as the Height and the Width of your space.

Thanks you so much sir

None of them is useful.

Some of the blocks, such as TextInputDialog, can still not be found in a particular App Inventor extension. You will have to use this extension to build your own dialog using arrangements.

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Hello Thanks for this extension can you tell me how can I trust that this particular extension isn't malicious? I am beginner I don't want to take any type of risk I research on everything before doing something from when I have seen this:

Do you have the bruhtools extension ? Where did you get it from?

If you do not have it, then you have nothing to worry about....

Yes I don't have it but this extension

doesn't seem good to me it also isn't open-source so I am afraid from this. I just want some clarity from you that is it safe to use this extension?

Well most of the extensions aren't open-source, that doesn't mean that they are dangerous to use. It is up to you, test it and see if it works


It is one of my go to extensions, been using it for years


I decided to not to support Open-Source project and start using kodular again.
Everything requires hardwork * 2 here.

I will still use app inventor for fun/demo projects.

From here.

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What's the ViewPager alternative?
also what about tab layout?

Have you done this?

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Nope, but done now I found view pager but what about tab layout?
Edit: I don't need it strip view pager already have one it's good one. Now I just need to confirm strip view pager extension dev that will it become scrollable if I will add 50 items or more than that.

Instead of asking, why not try it yourself? App Inventor is a platform for learning. I highly suggest you to figure it out using existing components and/or extensions. That way, not only you can complete what you want, but it can also enhance your problem solving skills.

Radio buttons can be replaced with images and labels. Bottom Navigation can be replaced with labels and arrangements. Space can be replaced with empty labels. Find it out on your own!


and whatever tab layout is, did you search?


If you test it you will find out.