Hi, I am trying to get some string values into Android app via BLE from an Arduino device. My problem is that if I add the date and time stamp after receiving the strings, the entire row is being mixed up. I followed a topic from app inventor (https://groups.google.com/d/topic/mitappinventortest/mgWzEXB7gYE/discussion) to solve the issue. It is working well (I mean no merging of string values, they are nicely printed) when date and time stamp is not included in the blocks. But f I include the time stamp blocks, text is getting merged (please see below the text file contents below, I am not able to upload more than two links, so pasting the content here)
I am attaching here my blocks.
.Text content is as following:
Feb 23, 20206:28:32 pmR264
V26Feb 23, 20206:28:36 pm0,R267
VFeb 23, 20206:28:39 pm262,R266
Feb 23, 20206:28:43 pm
V269,R26Feb 23, 20206:28:47 pm6
V262,RFeb 23, 20206:28:51 pm264
V258Feb 23, 20206:28:55 pm,R272
Notice that time stamping is not added to each of the strings received from the bluetooth device. Please let me know, how to solve this?