Start with Blocks

I will try.

blocks (1)


blocks (2)

This works fine, just reverse the text and check if they start from.

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I added the AIA file, you just need to download it and import it into appinventor. Surely the solution is easy, you just need to understand well what you need.

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I am making an app in another platform also. But there I can't found this block.
So, can anyone tell me how to make this block with procedure?

Please create a new topic.

I dont know what block is that and dont know about how it works.
You could explain more.

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I modified the blocks so that it now checks any starting and ending text. The previous block only checked the first and last letters.

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@Patryk_F Which block I should use because in my text there was lots of text written. So, I have to find that from this any text is starting from this and ending with this or not?

I can't create a new topic.

Download this AIA, add it to appinventor. Build an APK from it and check on your phone if that's it. There are 3 text boxes. In the first, you type long text. Lower on the left you enter the letters with which the text begins and on the right you enter the final letters of the text. Check if that is it, if not give a more detailed example.

start (2).aia (3.0 KB)

After entering all the texts, click check and then "true" or "false" will appear below.

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@Patryk_F I tried but it is not working.

So it doesn't search for the first and last letters just anywhere. So it's supposed to act like a "contains any" block.

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Hmmm. So, what to do now?

start (3).aia (2.6 KB)

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Have you checked?
It is working?

It is similar to "contains any". There is a little difference. "contains any" will return "true" if at least one letter of the list is present in the text. My blocks will return "true" if all letters are in the text.
Make an APK and check.

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& What about ends with?

What ends? The previous version checked the beginning and end of the text, it did not suit you. This version checks any text you wanted "contains any" block. Without explaining exactly what you want, it cannot be done because I don't know what you need.

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There is a text: "Welcome to our community". Give an example of when to be true and when false. Rather, none of the respondents in this topic understand what you want to achieve.

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The last attempt to guess what you expect:

start (4).aia (2.6 KB)

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