Something New: Making Extension Using Blocks

Hello, I BBL presenting you my new invention in which you can make extensions using blocks but it is under construction take the first look:

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Hi, the idea is not new. Would it work the same way as Rapid did?

Is this website working for you?

When can we access it


Very Soon you can access it.

Will possible to implement jar libraries?

Not yet

The other block based extension builder (Rapid) isn't working for most people.

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How to use x and y parameters in blocks?

In variables

take item block. click on dropdown you can see x,y variables

I understand that this website generates java script code. Then we copy the js code and the generate link takes us to the page where js is converted to java. But this is not enough to create an extension.

you can use niotron to do this. I basically made this for people who dont know how to code an ai2 extension

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Give me ideas how i can improve this

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Also why did you mark one of your posts as a solution?


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It just seems to load default Blockly workspace/blocks and generate the code with Blockly's own Javascript code generator at this time, but if you want to take it further, you probably should start with creating a new generator (or maybe check existing resources/works online) so that can translate blocks to a valid Java code. But as the generated code won't have the required App Inventor definitions and imports, you will also need to add those to make the extension compilable.

That's the link