[Official Release] Rapid - Build Extensions Using Blocks!


Hello Everyone,
Have you ever had an idea for an extension but weren’t able to create it because you don’t know how to write with high-level languages such as Java or Kotlin and have only programmed using blocks? Rapid is your solution!
Rapid is an online extension building platform that enables you to create extensions for AI2 and its distribution using coding blocks and simplifies the process of building extensions, even if you don’t have coding experience except in blockly-based programs such as AI2.
Using Rapid, you have access to all Android, App Inventor, Java, and even 3rd party JAR files within blocks. Enabling you to implement almost all of the features that are supported for extensions written in Java. You also have an interface that would help you manage all the different metadata, manifest elements, and information about your extension.

Why Use Rapid?

  • Rapid provides you with many features that would help you develop extensions more efficiently, whether you are an extension developer or not.

  • Blocks Based Coding which is trans-piled directly into Java code.

  • A fast and optimized compiler that builds your extension in seconds.

  • A neat and customizable user interface that makes it easier to manage your extensions
    Support for External Android, App Inventor, and JAR libraries.

  • Proguard and protection of your extension

  • Brief explanation of each java error including exact steps to solve it.

  • Warnings on block editor for combinations that could result in errors ( ex.: Functions without a return value)

  • Auto Fixing for errors in code ( attempting to typecast types where one of them is a subclass of the other under the hood, inferring types of variables, and so on…)
    And much more…!

Important Links


Thanks a lot to all the beta testers! They did a huge help throughout the beta stage of Rapid.

Support Rapid

Rapid is developed and maintained by an individual developer and is not a crow founded or sponsored project, yet, I have to pay for server, domain costs, etc..
You could support Rapid by donating a little to help keeping Rapid running:
Also, you could subscribe to one the Rapid plans and get some additional features:
Mohamed Tamer


P.S: If you have any questions about Rapid, ask it in the Rapid's Community in order not to flood this community and keep questions in one place.


Great job @MohamedTamer.


If anyone is interested, here is the commercial (caution: made by me)


To get started, follow this post:


Here is a telegram link for the Rapid release group. If anyone wants to join, please click here.

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Hello @MohamedTamer

OMG!! you have made a complete product. I love it and wish you a great great success in this project :slight_smile:



A new rapid release was just deployed. Rapid is now free and open source, no more limits and major bug were fixed!

Mohamed Tamer


The sources of Rapid could be found here:

It's mostly written with JS ( React and Node ). But it also uses Kotlin for the buildserver.
Rapid's blockly fork could be found as well here:

Feel free to contribute or run it locally!

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is the project still running because it show blank white screen when i click try ?

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Sorry for the hazzle!
I'm currently busy with a lot of life obligations and it became very hard currently to stay active in the appinventor -and its distrubutions- community. I will certainly be back soon! But I will be sure to come out with a solution for the problem a portion of users is experiencing while loading Rapid even sooner ( I actually thought it was solved already).
Thanks and cheers,
Mohamed Tamer

This is what @MohamedTamer said on telegram group.

Check it Telegram: Contact @rapidbuilder1

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Is it possible to have this site offline?

Rapid is gone! The URL returns domain expired

Domain not expired, may be server error

There's only a small issue with this project:
The domain is for sale and inaccessible.
Visit https://create.rapidbuilder.tech/

I believe this project is now dead.
