Set the FontSize Of Numbers = 30

I have tried to replace the textbox with listview but there is an error message
Listview_1.aia (154.5 KB)

I don't know if @SHUBHAMR69 can help you with a listview/listpicker
If I remember well you posted the same problem 2 years ago Display the sentences in screen

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Do you want me to add the feature for listview/listpicker ? I'll first have to see the github sources of these components to see what they are using. (Might be more complex than other components.)

No, I don't need to add the feature for listview/listpicker.
I need to fix MyFont extension to let the number as big as possible.

I use this feature of MyFont extension to change the font style, but the problem is that the font of numbers are displaying in very small.
MyFont_Extension.aia (154.5 KB)

This image with using MyFont extension

This image with no MyFont extension

blocks (3)

Like this??

I donesnot know the Arabic number , sorry if I am..

As much as small font as well as big font

I think the thing can be done if used async in extension.

I'll try it.

I hope you can fix it.
Thank you a lot.

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