Set the FontSize Of Numbers = 30

Your textbox is readonly, you can not use Taifun extension

To fix this, before running the blocks to size your numbers, set readOnly to false, then after setting sizes, set readOnly to true

Brother, use my last provided aia.

First disable Read-Only.

In the charList, add the numbers of your language.

Then try.

You can confirm that my extension is working perfectly.

It's important, isnumber block does not recognize arab numbers

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Absolute Size feature is now out.

You can now directly set the font size, e.g., 30.

ShubhamTextLatest.aix (8.9 KB)

I'll make a new topic for this extension by today or tomorrow.

I don't think any requirement is now left. Tell me if you have any more requirements with my extension.

You can rather make a procedure for the blocks I've provided, and call it whenever needed. You don't need Taifun Textbox's text-changed event because you're not directly doing the thing when the user is typing.

You don't even need TaifunTexbox extension since your textbox is read-only.

I have removed the Taifun Textbox's and still the font of number is small,
Please have a look to my blocks

There are two text files in menu. When I select any one of them, it should show a large numbers in textbox.

I told you to avoid using the is number? block. That won't detect Arabic Numbers.

Rather do this :

  1. Drag this image to the blocks area.
  2. Change the characters in the charList for the Arabic Numbers you use.
  3. Call the procedure at the required places.

By the way, relativeSize should not be 30. Else it will set the character's size to 30 times the normal text size. Rather use the absolute size thing.

I have called the procedure at the required places but when I select the second item from the list, sometimes it takes a very long time and sometimes, it breakes down the app.

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I'll tel ya tomorrow after class. Its 1:20 a.m. here now.

I told you to set the numList (which was later renamed to charList) to Arabic numbers, but you didn't.

Download this aia and run it :

Enlarge_FontSize_Of_Number_3_Solved.aia (156.4 KB)

Edit :

Screenshot of Companion



A little bit off-topic, but have you ever seen this kinda companion code, the forces of nature might have caused it to happen.

The companion code is a proper English word ! That's too rare, isn't it ?

I mean that when I select the item from the list sometimes it takes a very long time and sometimes it breakes down the app I think because the text is a very long. and it has 286 sentences but when the text is a very short there is no problem.
Enlarge_FontSize_Of_Number_4.aia (155.7 KB)

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It doesn't depend on number of lines, rather it depends on number of characters. The for each loop checks each character once, so it takes much time. You can rather split up the file into parts, and then use multiple textboxes in a vertical scroll arrangement. Then they can load text one by one. You can read the previous part while the next part loads.

Osama, you did not answer me.

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I use the textboxes in order to select any sentence to read by clicking on it and listen that sentence. The sound is there in app asset.

The project you attached has one single multiline textbox, you can not select a single line, you need a listview for this goal.

When I removed MYFont extension which I use to change the font style, the numbers are big and fine enough.

So, I think the problem is only when I use MyFont extension . I hope there is a solution to solve the problem in MYFont extension

I will try to replace the textbox with listview and see how it is working.