Display the sentences in screen

Hello every one,
How can I display the sentences in screen like this:

  english phrases

(1) I love you
(2) This is my car

Instead of

(1) english phrases
(2) I love you
(3) This is my car

Without changing the sort of numbers in the text file. Also I need to remove the title which is on the top.

CSVdynamicCOMP_1.aia (45.9 KB)

During the previous thread I attached this version
CSVdynamicCOMP_2.aia (60.2 KB)


Hello patel,

Thank you very much patel for helpping me and good luck!

Hello patel,
I have tested this version CSVdynamicCOMP_2.aia but it is not exactly what I need.
I need to use the same sort of this 1.txt file
1,english phrases
2,I love you
3,This is my car

not like this sort 1.txt file
english phrases
1,I love you
2,This is my car

Displaying the sentences in screen like this:

I hope you understood my question. Thank you very much.

use a 'for each number' block and a 'if...else...' block. if number is 1,then...else...

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Hello Kevinkun,
Would you please give me an example because I know a little bit to do it.

I'm sorry, I don't understand, the first post says

My aia does it

Hello patel,

You are write your aia does it but I need to display the sentence in screen according to this txt file
1.txt (51 Bytes) because I have already a lot of txt files and I should design the project according to this txt sort. Would you please have a look to my trying and try to fix it if you can.
CSVdynamicCOMP_3.aia (61.4 KB)

Thank you very much patel

I really don't understand what you want to achieve.

I want to display english phrases in normal such as the below sentences without a button and without any number and also without removing the serial number from the txt file because I have already a lot of txt files and I should design the project according to this txt sort.

so this photo is what you want? or it's just what you did now but don't want? if you know some photoshop/photoeditor, pls try to make a correct photo you wanted.

Yes, this photo is what I want. You are right I made it by photoshop and I know a little bit in photoshop.

this is captured from your aia.
then you already have what you want, only the title bgcolor not same.

Because you have used this 1.txt (49 Bytes) sort and I want to use this 1.txt (51 Bytes) sort

I need to use this 1.txt (51 Bytes)

1,english phrases
2,I love you
3,This is my car

So, the result is, when I apply this txt file in aia, it displays

If I understand well you want display the title without number and start list with number 1 instead of 2. Is it correct ? why ?

Yes, correct I want to display the title without number and start list with number 1 instead of 2 because I have already a lot of txt files and I should design the project according to this way.

for title, split with , and select item 2 from result list

for number before list, get the number then minus 1. is that so difficult?

I have set the blocks as you said and the list is ok but the title still I can not fix it.
CSVdynamicCOMP_3.aia (60.3 KB)

Thank you very much Kevinkun

why you want in txt files ?
1,english phrases
2,I love you
3,This is my car

instead of

1,english phrases
1,I love you
2,This is my car

2,english phrases
1,my house is red
2,I'm going home

If you like so you can change blocks to

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Good job!
Is it possible to display english phrases in the VerticalScrollArrangement instead of in lbTitle

in order to be hided when start reading and move the scroll up.
Thank you very much patel.