🟦 Send Email using Google Apps Script

OK, let us try this:

Drag a File component into your project

Blocks like this:

What android version are you testing on?

What is the filepath returned by imagepicker.selection ?

Android 14. I use storage/picture but i have some photos in Downloads

and it showed me this error again


if it is correct

There is no such location as Storage/Picture

When running in companion app, after picking an image, right click on ImagePicker1.Selection and select Do It. Should look like this:

it's written like that for me too

In which case, you should be getting a path to the file that works with the FileToStringASD block.

ok but I still have the error

OK, so what do you see if run Do It here:

and are you doing this:


Take a look....

Confirm that your path and two replacement text blocks are actually empty

They are. Does it work for you?

Well, I already showed you:

You may need to do a refresh, restart the app and companion.

Let us also check this:

and this


They are the same as you.

Have you refreshed/restarted ?

Are your replacement blocks working now ?

Does sending photos work for you?

Please answer my question first, then qualify your question...

Sorry for not replying. Nothing changed. I think the replace text doesn't work.