Entering the email subject works, but how do I do what you said?
Which "what I said" ?
How is that possible?
Drag out an ImagePicker, then do you blocks like this:
Also, what should I put on the Web?
OK, you may need to use a different block:
Debug to ensure you are getting base64 returned
There should be nothing more to do with the apps script.
the - err - filename you want to use - e.g. myImage.png
I want to use image picker.
It showed me the message again
Did you check you are getting a base64 string returned ?
How do I check it?
OK, you need to do something like this if using the imagePicker on recent versions of Android:
ImagePicker stores the picked image to the Pictures folder in the ASD
KIOBase64 FileToStringASD internally uses the path:
so we have to remove it from the imagePicker Selection path
To check if base64 is being generated I did this:
which returns the first 100 characters of the base64 (if it fails you will get an error)
(don't try to show the entire base64 string in a label, this might freeze your app.)
You will need to check the file path for imagePicker selection to see where it is being stored, and adjust blocks with an if/else.
It showed me this error
You are not getting base64
I put the blocks you told me about.
Are you testing in companion app ?
Yes, and it gave me this error.