hello it's me again, i still have the problem. I'll show you what I'm up to 
maybe you can help me better then.
I waited until there were enough blocks in the mempool and was able to test for a few hours until the following message came up - Selected list item: List index too large
because only 1 "block" is available for the called api
Affected blocks expanded and the picture to it
yes all look like this ^^
What I would like now is if the build does not receive a response because the list is empty, these "blocks" marked in red should simply disappear, (it can be that one of the two still remains) without generating an error message.
can this be implemented as in your build above, as shown in the picture, or maybe some other solution? suppress error message(i tried to set the "error ocurred" event into build, but nothing changed)
is there no way like, if get response content error set label text 0 (e.g.)
I'm a bit careful about rushing on your build, don't get me wrong, because it is a lot of work 