Select list item List index to large am looking for a simple solution for my stupid problem ^^

This is the structure of your JSON output, using my Tidy utility:

 + fee
   + 721
 + locktime
   + 0
 + size
   + 223
 + status
   + +(dictionary)
   +  + block_hash
   +    + 000000000000000000124243532cec8ca84e24175cd097c9789522e010eb643a
   +  + block_height
   +    + 695349
   +  + block_time
   +    + 1628732062
   +  + confirmed
   +    + true
 + txid
   + 479ece7ac368efdd5977f1cc9fc589fbf9eeeb2a988077edda59ba009b0ce112
 + version
   + 1
 + vin
   + +(list)
   +  + +(dictionary)
   +  +  + is_coinbase
   +  +    + false
   +  +  + prevout
   +  +    + +(dictionary)
   +  +    +  + scriptpubkey
   +  +    +    + 00141ce75726e812b2fcaf36d6a178ccbfd58a5efcd6
   +  +    +  + scriptpubkey_address
   +  +    +    + bc1qrnn4wfhgz2e0etek66sh3n9l6k99alxk044mhr
   +  +    +  + scriptpubkey_asm
   +  +    +    + OP_0 OP_PUSHBYTES_20 1ce75726e812b2fcaf36d6a178ccbfd58a5efcd6
   +  +    +  + scriptpubkey_type
   +  +    +    + v0_p2wpkh
   +  +    +  + value
   +  +    +    + 523785755
   +  +  + scriptsig
   +  +    + 
   +  +  + scriptsig_asm
   +  +    + 
   +  +  + sequence
   +  +    + 4294967295
   +  +  + txid
   +  +    + 0a7aa65346b57ed077469526fe0a4ce7867c73803475b3eaf754e15281e8daf2
   +  +  + vout
   +  +    + 1
   +  +  + witness
   +  +    + +(list)
   +  +    +  + 3045022100977e0b562f152d791a5597c19e98db0972ffb5c69cd5573deccdc2b564669d2902203804b6252ceac9eeda8a4db00e3b0f6eb8ac67b7d2ec3f7a93d687e435673e1501
   +  +    +  + 021b7f2cb05643404c57d0587b48c8d882a454f1040c47cbd31c73d29b599d0401
 + vout
   + +(list)
   +  + +(dictionary)
   +  +  + scriptpubkey
   +  +    + 00143b796e64a909eaf8c2d692e19dd187c4cf3157c1
   +  +  + scriptpubkey_address
   +  +    + bc1q8dukue9fp8403skkjtsem5v8cn8nz47p43pete
   +  +  + scriptpubkey_asm
   +  +    + OP_0 OP_PUSHBYTES_20 3b796e64a909eaf8c2d692e19dd187c4cf3157c1
   +  +  + scriptpubkey_type
   +  +    + v0_p2wpkh
   +  +  + value
   +  +    + 1262459
   +  + +(dictionary)
   +  +  + scriptpubkey
   +  +    + 00141ce75726e812b2fcaf36d6a178ccbfd58a5efcd6
   +  +  + scriptpubkey_address
   +  +    + bc1qrnn4wfhgz2e0etek66sh3n9l6k99alxk044mhr
   +  +  + scriptpubkey_asm
   +  +    + OP_0 OP_PUSHBYTES_20 1ce75726e812b2fcaf36d6a178ccbfd58a5efcd6
   +  +  + scriptpubkey_type
   +  +    + v0_p2wpkh
   +  +  + value
   +  +    + 522522575
 + weight
 + 562

Since the runtime error was about finding "size" instead of an index, that means you were using a list select item block instead of a lookup key in dict block. Since "size" is a top level tag, that should be very straightforward.

Regarding web site scraping, here is a sample app:

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